Things to Note When Buying Refractory Bricks

2023-11-09 11:29:29

What do you need to know when buying refractory bricks? What kind of furnace lining can the purchased refractory bricks be used for? Can refractory bricks achieve practical application results? How do you purchase refractory bricks to achieve good results? Based on the actual situation, the issues that should be addressed when purchasing refractory bricks are expounded.

Kiln site using refractory bricks

1. Understand the characteristics of the furnace

According to the structure of the furnace, the working characteristics, and the operating conditions of each part of the furnace, refractory bricks are selected to achieve targeted selection. For example, the linings and bottoms of various smelting furnaces (such as furnaces and reverberatory furnaces) below the slag line are mainly subject to chemical erosion by slag and metal melt, followed by thermal stress caused by temperature mutations. The masonry generally uses magnesia and magnesia-chromium refractory bricks with good slag resistance. The above slag lines can use magnesia-alumina bricks, magnesia-chrome bricks, or high-alumina refractory bricks.

2. Ensure the normal operation and overall life of the furnace

As the lining of the kiln, it must ensure its normal operation and overall service life. Reasonably configure various refractory bricks used in various parts of the furnace. When determining the materials for each part of the furnace and each layer of the same part, chemical reactions and melting damage between different refractory bricks should be avoided, and the loss balance of each part should be ensured, or reasonable technological measures should be taken to balance the loss and ensure the overall service life of the furnace.

3. Characteristics of refractory bricks

When purchasing refractory bricks, you should master the basic knowledge of refractory bricks, such as the composition of refractory bricks, the physical properties and working performance of refractory bricks, and whether they can achieve the expected results as a furnace lining, to better utilize the excellent characteristics of refractory bricks. For example, silica bricks used in coke ovens have a high softening temperature under load and can resist acid slag erosion. However, they have poor thermal shock resistance and can only be used in coke oven partition walls. Their load-softening properties can be used in long-term high-temperature environments.

As a purchaser of refractory bricks, when purchasing commonly used refractory bricks, you only need to determine the indicators, size, performance, and other information of the refractory bricks, and consult the refractory brick manufacturer whether it can be made, whether it can meet the specified requirements and whether the processed refractory bricks can meet the requirements. Characteristics and other information, this is the most basic integrity of refractory brick manufacturers.

It is very important to choose a regular refractory brick manufacturer. This is the basic guarantee for kiln production. The reasonable selection of refractory bricks should meet the use and technical requirements of the kiln.

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