The Difference between Refractory Bricks and Insulation Bricks

2023-10-17 17:07:14

During the construction of a high-temperature kiln, different types of refractory bricks are used in various parts of the kiln. Generally, refractory bricks are needed in the production parts of high-temperature kilns, which can withstand constant erosion and high temperatures. Some less important parts generally use insulation bricks, which are mainly responsible for preserving the temperature in the furnace, but what is the difference between the two?

The difference between physical and chemical indicators

1. The thermal conductivity of insulation bricks is generally 0.2-0.4 W/(m·K), while the thermal conductivity of refractory bricks is above 1.0 W/(m·K). The thermal insulation function of insulation bricks is better than that of refractory bricks.

2. The refractory temperature of insulation bricks is generally below 1400 degrees Celsius, while the refractory temperature of refractory bricks is above it, sometimes reaching about 1700-1800 degrees Celsius.

3. The density of insulation bricks is 0.8-1.0g/cm3, while the density of refractory bricks is above 2.0g/cm3

The Difference Between Refractory Bricks and Insulation Bricks

Different usage locations

Insulation bricks are mainly used to preserve the temperature of high-temperature kilns and are generally used in the insulation layer of furnace roofs and furnace walls. Refractory bricks are generally used in thermal boilers, glass kilns, cement kilns, fertilizer gas furnaces, blast furnaces, and hot air furnaces. The key parts of industrial kilns such as furnaces, coking ovens, and electric furnaces can withstand high temperatures and withstand erosion.

Although the shapes of refractory bricks and insulating bricks are the same, there are obvious differences in the use occasions and physical and chemical indicators during use. During the construction of high-temperature kilns, we must make reasonable choices based on the use occasions.

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