Strength Comparison between Silica Molybdenum Bricks and Magnesia Bricks

2024-01-17 17:28:39

Which one has higher strength, silicon molybdenum brick or magnesia brick? The normal temperature compressive strength of magnesia bricks varies depending on the content, ranging from 50-70Mpa, while the strength of silica-molybdenum bricks ranges from 85-90Mpa.

Silica molybdenum bricks and magnesia bricks are special brickmaking materials used in high-temperature and fire-resistant environments. They have different materials and applications. Here are their main features and differences:

Material: Silica molybdenum bricks are mainly made of silicon carbide, a refractory material with a high degree of high-temperature resistance and fire resistance.
Characteristics: Silica molybdenum bricks have good high-temperature resistance and can withstand very high temperatures, so they are often used in the internal masonry of high-temperature industrial furnaces, barbecue grills, electric furnaces, and other high-temperature equipment.
Strength: Silica molybdenum bricks usually have relatively high compressive strength, with the normal temperature compressive strength being about 85-90 MPa.

Material: Magnesia brick is mainly made of magnesium oxide, which is an alkaline refractory material.
Properties: Magnesia bricks are commonly used in steelmaking furnaces, electric arc furnaces, and other metallurgical equipment because of their good performance under alkaline conditions. It also has better fire resistance but is not as high temperature resistant as silica molybdenum brick.
Strength: The normal temperature compressive strength of magnesia bricks is generally between 50-70 MPa, which is slightly lower than that of silicon molybdenum bricks.

Strength Comparison between Silica Molybdenum Bricks and Magnesia Bricks

The normal temperature compressive strength of silica molybdenum bricks (85-90 MPa) is higher than the normal temperature compressive strength of magnesia bricks (50-70 MPa). Therefore, the strength of silica molybdenum bricks is higher. Compressive strength is an important material performance parameter that measures the material’s ability to resist pressure and is often used to evaluate the structural strength and reliability of materials. So, in this comparison, silica molybdenum brick shows higher strength. Please note, however, that specific material properties may also be affected by other factors such as temperature, humidity, and chemical environment.

Summary: Silica molybdenum brick has higher fire resistance and high-temperature resistance in high-temperature environments, while magnesia brick performs well under alkaline conditions, but its fire resistance is slightly inferior to silica molybdenum brick. The choice of which brickwork material to use will depend on the specific application needs and environmental conditions.

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