Difference Between Refractory Bricks and Red Bricks

2023-10-06 14:49:13

There are many types of bricks. We usually confuse refractory bricks and red bricks, mainly because they are the same in appearance. However, the difference between refractory bricks and red bricks is still very big, which is mainly reflected in The colors, specifications, materials, production processes, uses, etc. of the two are different. Today I will take you to understand the difference between refractory bricks and red bricks.

Difference Between Refractory Bricks and Red Bricks

When it comes to refractory bricks and red bricks, some people still can’t tell the difference. There are obvious differences in the appearance colors of refractory bricks and red bricks. Let us introduce the difference between refractory bricks and red bricks in detail.

1. Color: Refractory bricks are mainly yellow and beige, while red bricks are red.

2. Specification: Generally speaking, the specification of refractory bricks is T3, which is 230*114*65 mm. The commonly used red brick specification is 200*100*50mm.

3. Production: Generally speaking, refractory bricks are fired at the above-mentioned high temperature of 1200°. Red bricks are fired at around 800-1000°.

4. Uses: Refractory bricks can be used as high-temperature building materials, used in building kilns and thermal equipment, and can withstand physical and chemical changes and mechanical effects at high temperatures.

Red brick is a material suitable for walls, and can also be used to build columns, arches, floors, foundations, etc. It is mostly used as a building material in old-fashioned buildings.

How about it? The editor said this, can you easily distinguish refractory bricks from red bricks? In addition, let’s talk about another little knowledge point. Red bricks cannot be used in place of the construction of refractory bricks. Due to insufficient thermal expansion coefficient, it is easy to explode if the temperature is too high! So refractory bricks should still be used!

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