What Are the Properties of Refractory Bricks?

2023-04-24 17:05:31

1. Refractoriness

According to the refractoriness, refractory bricks can be divided into ordinary refractory bricks with a refractory degree of 1580-1770 degrees Celsius; advanced refractory bricks with a refractory degree of 1770-2000 degrees Celsius; special-grade refractory bricks with a refractory degree greater than 2000 degrees Celsius.

2. Porosity

Generally, those with a porosity of about 3%-10% are called high-density refractory bricks, those with a porosity of about 20%-30% are called ordinary dense refractory bricks, and those with a porosity of 45%-48% are called lightweight refractory bricks.

3. Load Softening Temperature

Refractory bricks can withstand a constant pressure load and produce deformation temperature at a certain heating rate. He said that the resistance of the refractory bricks to high temperatures and load at the same time.

4. Slag Resistance

Acid refractory bricks have a strong ability to resist acid slag erosion, alkaline refractory bricks have a strong ability to resist alkaline slag erosion and neutral refractory bricks can resist both acid slag erosion and alkaline slag erosion.

There are many types of refractory bricks, and choosing the right refractory bricks also has an important impact on the service life of the kiln.

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