The Country’s Largest Refractory Industry Base

2023-05-10 11:09:14

The refractory material industry is one of the advantageous traditional industries in Zhengzhou.

Excerpted from Zhengguan News on April 4, 2023:

Henan Xinhongji Refractories Co., Ltd. is located in the production workshop of Xinmi City. There are only 18 or 9 workers in the factory building with an annual output of 100,000 tons of corundum refractory materials. The brand-new automatic brick-taking robots are under the control of the intelligent system. Running in an orderly manner, the entire production area is clean, spacious, and bright, completely overturning the impression of the traditional workshop scene of dusty faces and roaring machines. In recent years, many refractory companies like Henan Xinhongji have continued to promote intelligent transformation, strengthen R&D and innovation capabilities, and promote enterprises to move forward bravely on the road of transformation and high-quality development. As the largest refractory industry base in the country, Zhengzhou City has more than 700 refractory enterprises, including more than 300 enterprises above the designated size, mainly distributed in Xinmi, Gongyi, Dengfeng, and other counties and cities. The products are mainly based on high-grade refractory materials such as aluminum-silicon series and fused magnesia-alumina spinel, covering nine categories such as steel, cement, non-ferrous metals, glass, petrochemicals, etc., with various types of stereotyped, amorphous, light, fiber and special There are more than 500 varieties of refractory materials, and the output accounts for 60% and 30% of Henan Province and the whole country respectively, and medium and high-end refractory materials account for 47%.

The Country's Largest Refractory Industry Base In 2021, the Zhengzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the “Zhengzhou “14th Five-Year” New Material Industry Development Plan (2021-2025) (Draft for Comment)”. The “Plan” proposes that by 2025, the output value of the new material industry will strive to exceed 100 billion yuan, driving the output value of related industries to reach 30 billion yuan. Among them, the output value of superhard materials strives to exceed 15 billion yuan, the output value of new refractory materials and new building materials strives to exceed 35 billion yuan, the output value of advanced metal materials reaches 30 billion yuan, and the output value of high-performance composite materials, 3D printing materials, and biomedical materials reaches 50 billion yuan. Over 100 million yuan, the output value of new energy battery materials strives to exceed 5 billion yuan, and the output value of electronic information materials dominated by advanced semiconductor materials and new display materials exceeds 10 billion yuan, cultivating and forming an important 100 billion-level new material industry cluster in Henan Province.

To build a new material industry cluster with a level of 100 billion, the prosperity of materials will lead to strong manufacturing. The vigorous development of Zhengzhou’s new material industry is inseparable from the strong support of the government. Zhengzhou is at the forefront of the road of new material industry planning and overall planning.

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