How to Replace and Construct High Alumina Refractory Bricks?

2023-07-21 15:33:28

The steps to replace high alumina refractory bricks are as follows:
1. First lower the temperature of the furnace to room temperature and stop burning.
2. Then break the original high alumina refractory bricks and remove the residue.
3. Prepare new high-alumina refractory bricks and cut them into appropriate shapes and sizes as required.
4. Place the new high alumina refractory bricks in the corresponding position in the furnace.
5. Use refractory brick adhesive or refractory cement to bond the new high alumina refractory bricks to the original brick wall.
6. After the adhesive is dry, the furnace can be started again to let the new high alumina refractory brickwork together with other parts.

The construction steps of high alumina refractory bricks are as follows:
1. Clean up the working surface and prepare the required tools and materials.
2. Cut the high alumina refractory brick according to the required shape and size.
3. Use refractory brick adhesive or refractory cement to bond high alumina refractory bricks to the required position.
4. After the adhesive or castable is dry, the furnace can be heated to make the high alumina refractory brickwork together with other components.

It should be noted that the construction or replacement of high alumina refractory bricks needs to follow the relevant operating procedures and operate according to specific conditions. Before carrying out these tasks, it is recommended to consult professional advice to ensure the smooth progress of the work.

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