How to Use Refractory Mud

2023-11-15 14:48:56

The general regulations for the use and preparation of refractory mud are as follows:

1. The refractory degree and chemical composition of the refractory mud used for masonry refractory products should be compatible with the refractory degree and chemical composition of the refractory products used. The type, grade, and other performance indicators of refractory mud should be selected by design based on the temperature and operating conditions of the furnace.

2. Finished refractory mud should be used for masonry blast furnaces, and the maximum particle size of the mud should not exceed 30% of the joints of the masonry bricks.

3. Before masonry of the blast furnace, the consistency and amount of water added to the refractory mud should be determined through tests according to the type of masonry. At the same time, check whether the masonry performance of the refractory mud (mainly the bonding time) can meet the masonry requirements.

How to Use Refractory Mud

The bonding time of refractory mud depends on the material and dimensions of the refractory product and should be 1 to 1.5 minutes.

4. The consistency of the refractory slurry should be suitable for the type of masonry.

5. The consistency of refractory mud should be determined by the current national (industry) standard “Refractory Mud Consistency Test Method”; the bonding time of the mud should be determined by the current national (industry) standard “Refractory Mud Bonding Time Test” Method” requires execution.

6. When adjusting refractory mud, it must be weighed accurately and stirred evenly. Do not add any water or binding agent to the prepared mud. The mixing water should be clean. In coastal areas, when preparing mud mixed with admixtures, the mixing water should be tested and the depth of chloride ions should not be greater than 300 mg/L.

6. When using different refractory muds at the same time, mixers, mud tanks, and other equipment must not be mixed, and must not be used incorrectly. It is best to use the mud mixed on the same day.

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