Corundum Mullite Brick for High Temperature and Production Method

2023-06-27 14:29:27

Corundum mullite brick for high temperatures is a kind of refractory material used in high-temperature environments, which has excellent refractory performance and thermal stability. Below is some basic information about corundum mullite bricks for high-temperature use and their production methods.

Features of corundum mullite bricks:

High-temperature stability: It can withstand very high temperatures, usually above 1500 degrees Celsius.

Fire resistance: It has good fire resistance and can resist chemical attack and thermal shock in high-temperature atmosphere.

Corrosion resistance: resistant to corrosion and erosion, suitable for acidic, alkaline, and oxidative environments.

Mechanical Strength: It has high mechanical strength and wear resistance.

Corundum mullite brick for high temperature is a high temperature-resistant and wear-resistant material, which is often used in industrial fields such as high-temperature furnaces and metallurgical industries.

Corundum Mullite Brick for High Temperature and Production Method

The following is a common production method of corundum mullite bricks for high temperatures:

Raw material preparation: The main raw materials include high-purity corundum sand and mullite powder. These raw materials need to be crushed and sieved to ensure the uniformity of the particles and the suitability of the particle size.

Mixing of ingredients: Mix corundum sand and mullite powder evenly according to a certain ratio. The mixing process can be dry or wet, depending on the requirements of the production process.

Molding: Put the mixed raw materials into the mold, and press them through the molding machine. Common molding methods include dry pressing molding and grouting molding.

Post-forming treatment: The formed bricks need to go through certain processing procedures, including drying and calcination. The purpose of drying is to remove the moisture in the adobe, usually by natural air drying or low-temperature drying. Calcination is the process of placing bricks in a high-temperature furnace for high-temperature treatment to crystallize them and form structures such as corundum and mullite.

Subsequent processing: After calcination, the adobe needs to undergo subsequent processing procedures such as cutting and grinding to obtain products that meet the requirements.

It should be noted that the specific production methods may vary according to different manufacturers and product requirements. The above steps only provide a common production method, and it needs to be adjusted and optimized according to the actual situation in the actual operation.

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